Practical steps for Godly living
September 26, 2021
9/26/21 Sunday Service
Title: Practical steps for Godly living
Text: Ephesians 4:17-32
In our sermon today, we will continue our new series through the book of Ephesians looking at spiritual warfare. We will see today that we need to take proper steps to live a godly life. Christians need to follow God fully and put off our old nature and allow God to work in us to have a new nature. Once we become Christians, we can’t live the same way that we did before we accepted Him. God’s renewal and transformation cost us something. God works in us to change us into what he wants us to be.
Below are the timings for each part of the service:
0:05 Welcome & Announcements-Dr. Josh Peeler
6:23 Worship Music- “Since I Have Been Redeemed” #386 (All Verses)
7:29 Worship Music- “Make Room Within My Heart, O God” #491 (All Verses)
8:56 Call to Worship- 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 – Rev. Josh Connor
11:09 Worship Music– “My Jesus” – Praise Team
17:42 Sermon- Practical steps for Godly living – Ephesians 4:17-32 – Dr. Josh Peeler
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to anyone in church leadership.
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